Cairo, Egypt:
- Conference July 2006 –at the Egyptian PT syndicate
- Workshop 26-29December -2007,Global osteopathic approach– Nasser Institute–Egypt
- Lecture January 4th 2008 The Global Osteopathic Approach, School of Medicine -Egypt
- Workshop March 8th to 11th 2008, Visceral manipulation Cairo – Egypt.
- Lecture, 9th of January 2009 on The First International Symposium of Physical Therapy
- Workshop, 10th of January 2009 The First International Symposium of Physical Therapy
- Workshop, Jan.11- 14 , 2009, The CranioSacral Vs Osteopathy in Cranial field Egypt
- Workshop, , January16- 17, 2009 at The General Physical Therapy Syndicate, Alex. Egy
- Workshop , January 23 to 26, 2009 an Introduction in Global Manual osteopathic
- Concept for Professors, and Leadership of PT School at Cairo University
- Workshop ,March 8, 2009 an Osteopathic Approach in Upper Respiratory dysfunctions) TheNational Institute of Neuromuscular System – Imbaba /Egypt for MDs and PTs.
- Lecture, January 9th , 2010 a Global Osteopathic approach – Promoting Osteopathic thinking for healthcare professional, at Meetghamer Central Hospital – Egypt
- Osteopathic Treatment Day: January 13th, 2010 treating 10 patients with global
- Osteopathic approach at Prof. Dr. Sami Nasief, Dean of Faculty of PT at Faros
- University in Alex. Egypt
- Lecture, 16th of January, 2010 A Global Osteopathic approach for PT/MD at Dar- El MonaRehabilitation Hospital, Cairo–Egypt.
- workshop & Lecture, October 14th , 2011 at Pharos University/ Physical therapy School (full day Seminar) with Robin Kirk , DO – England ( Dean of London school of Osteopathy – London) General Osteopathic approach for PT’s Alexandria – Egypt
- workshop & Lecture, October 16th , 2011at Egypt Air Hospital- one of the Largest private
- Hospital in Egypt ,owned by Egypt Air (full day Seminar) with Robin Kirk , DO England ( Dean of London school of Osteopathy –London )Cairo– Egypt
- Workshop: February 19th -22nd, 2012 Global Osteopathic Approach – An introduction on GOT “General Osteopathic Treatments” (hands-on workshop) at Prim-Physio UK and Prime Training Egypt. Course Keynote speaker and 1st Day Visitor lecturer : Jon Parson, DO, Head of ESO, international branch (UK)
- lecture/ workshop :January 31, 2013( Full day) an introduction on Global manual Osteopathic Approach at the Police authority hospital Cairo- Egypt , organized by higher Police Medical academy of Egypt.
- Workshop & Lecture, 5/14/2010 A Global Osteopathic approach Lecture/ hands-on workshop on different Fascia applications of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine for adult and children at Rahma Children Centers of Dr Ehab Waly Office, Giza, Egypt.
- Lecture, May 16th 2010 Global Osteopathic approach at Police Sports Academy Hospital –Al-Abasia Cairo Egypt.
- *Public announcement and 1st Meeting of the Egyptian Osteopathic Society on December 25th, 2010 + (Founders and Cofounders meeting) Agriculture , Dokki , Cairo/ Egypt
Doha – Qatar
- Workshop January 29- 31, 2009 an Introduction in Global Fascia Concept in Osteopathy at Hamad Medical Corporation Doha – Qatar
United Arab of Emirates (UAE)
- General lecture October 9th 2009 Introduction on Osteopathy Sharja University – Sharja UAE, Coordinated by the college of applied Sciences.
- Workshop October 9th to 10th 2009 Introduction in Global Fascia Concept in Osteopathy
- (12 hours CMUs) Sharja University – Sharja UAE, Coordinated by Department of Physical Therapy
- Lecture/ workshop: February 10th, 2013(Full day) an introduction on Global manualOsteopathic Approach at Jordanian PT association, Amman organized by JPTS- Amman.
- lecture and four da ys ’ workshop : from august 10th to 13th 2013 an introduction on Global manual Osteopathic Approach Amman/ Jordon , organized by Jordanian PT association
Saudi Arabia
- General lecture 04/24th /2010 ( 9:00AM-12:00PM ) on Global Osteopathic Approach
- Somatic Dysfunctions at Riyadh Military Hospital Riyadh , Saudi Arabia
- Workshop: 4/24th to 27th /2010 Part-1 Global Osteopathic Approach – Fascia Concept
- (hands-on workshop) at Riyadh Military Hospital Riyadh , Saudi Arabia
- General lecture 04/28th /2010 (9:00AM-12:00PM) A Global Osteopathic Approach at King Feisal Hospital. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
- workshop & Lecture, 04/29th to 30th /2010Global Osteopathic approach for PT’s at ChildrenAbility for early Intervention (Private Rehabilitation center )Jeddah , Saudi Arabia
- Workshop (full day) on the Globality of fascia ,importance of integrating Fascia
- assessment to traditional PT assessment at National Guard Medical city / King Abdul
- Aziz University Riyadh Saudi Arabia,
- Workshop: December 11th to 14th , 2010 Part-2 Global Osteopathic Approach – An
- introduction for Visceral Manipulations (hands-on workshop) at Riyadh Military
- Hospital Riyadh , Saudi Arabia
- Key Note Speaker/ International PT Conference at the National Guard Medical city /
- King Abdul-Aziz University, Riyadh Saudi Arabia, 14-16 May 2012, the global
- Osteopathic Concept /Holistic approach in physical therapy.
- Workshop (full day) on the Globality of fascia ,importance of integrating Fascia
- assessment to traditional PT assessment at National Guard Medical city / King
- Abdul-Aziz University Riyadh Saudi Arabia,
- General lecture 04/24th /2010 ( 9:00AM-12:00PM ) on Global Osteopathic
- Approach – Somatic Dysfunctions at Riyadh Military Hospital SaudiArabia
- Workshop: 4/24th to 27th /2010 Part-1 Global Osteopathic Approach – Fascia Concept
- (hands-on workshop) at Riyadh Military Hospital Riyadh , Saudi Arabia
- General lecture 04/28th /2010 (9:00AM-12:00PM) A Global Osteopathic Approach at King Feisal Hospital. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
- workshop & Lecture, 04/29th to 30th /2010Global Osteopathic approach for PT’s at Children Ability for early Intervention (Private Rehabilitation center )Jeddah , Saudi Arabia
- Lecture and four d a ys’ workshop : from September 9th to 13th 2013an introduction on Global manual Osteopathic Approach at National guard Hospital Riyadh- Saudi Arabia, organized by NGH – Training Center
- Key Note Speaker/ International PT Conference at the National Guard Medical city / King Abdul-Aziz University, Riyadh Saudi Arabia, 14-16 May 2012, the global Osteopathic Concept /Holistic approach in physical therapy.
- Lecture and fourd a ys’ workshop : from September 9th to 13th 2013an introduction on
- Global manual Osteopathic Approach at National guard Hospital Riyadh- Saudi Arabia,
- organized by NGH – Training Center
- Workshop: February 4th -7th ,2012 Part-3 Global Osteopathic Approach – An introduction on
- Osteopathy in the cranial field (hands-on workshop) at Riyadh Military Hospital Riyadh , Saudi Arabia
- (Workshop) 17-20 May 2012, The Fascia –Global osteopathic approach– Sultan QaboosUniversity Hospital Muscat Oman, under care of the Oman Physical therapy association.
- Lecture May 21, 2012 on The Global Osteopathic Approach and the future of Manual Medicine in Middle East at IHS, School of Physical therapy – Muscat, OMAN. Coordinated by the Omani PT association.
- Lecture and four d a ys’ workshop: from August 25th to 28th, 2013 an introduction on Global manual Osteopathic Approach / Osteopathy in Cranial field, Sultan Qaboos University hospital Muscat/ Oman, organized by Omani PT association.
- Salalah 1st International PT and Rehabilation conference: August 31- September 1st as a keyNote Speaker, lecture and workshop. Salalah, Oman
- (Workshop) 17-20 May 2012, The Fascia –Global osteopathic approach– Sultan Qaboos University Hospital Muscat Oman, under care of the Oman Physical therapy association.
- Lecture May 21, 2012 on The Global Osteopathic Approach and the future of Manual Medicine in Middle East at IHS, School of Physical therapy – Muscat, OMAN. Coordinated by the Omani PT association
- Lecture May 23, 2013 on The Global Osteopathic Approach and the future of Manual Medicine in Middle East – AlKharttom – Sudan Coordinated by the Sudanese PT association